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SRVA Board Member Elections January, 12th, 2025

By Southern Region Association, 11/10/24, 12:45PM EST


Apply to be a SRVA Board member, elections coming in January 2025!


If you are a current Adult SRVA member who has a Background Check, and SafeSport Certification, and is interested in running for a volunteer position on the SRVA Board of directors read below for more information.

No, later than November 15th notification of the upcoming election and a solicitation of candidates will be posted on the region website and distributed via social media. 

All interested parties including current board members whose term is expiring must submit written notice of their intent to run for a new three-year term to begin the following July 1st,

This written notification must be submitted to the Region Secretary or Commissioner no later than December 20th.

Here is the link to the JAN-25 application 

Election Procedures

An electronic election will be held in conjunction with the January Virtual / In-Person Board meeting to determine which individuals will fill the available spaces on the board.

The successful candidates will be elected/re-elected by a simple majority of the board members present at the meeting.

Voting will be accomplished using approved voting software for tabulation. No proxy voting will be accepted.

The number of available spaces will be equivalent to 1/3 of the maximum size of the board as defined in the region bylaws.

By way of example, if the size of the Board is 27, the minimum number of available spaces at the January election would be 9.

If there are more individuals running than available spaces, the individuals with the highest number of votes above a simple majority will prevail.

In the case of a tie where there is only one space available, a runoff vote will be held and the individual garnering the most votes will fill the vacancy.

If there is a vacancy to be filled due to a Board member stepping down prior to the completion of their three-year term.  The candidate receiving the tenth total vote count would fill that vacancy as specified in our By-Laws.

• SECTION 8. A vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors shall be filled at a regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors by a majority vote of the Directors present. The new Director shall serve only the unexpired term of his/her predecessor.

Link to the full Document

Steve Kenyon

SRVA Commissioner