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SRVA 2025 Beach Regionals

SRVA Beach Regional Championships

SRVA Championships ’25: May 17th & 18th, 2025


We look forward to having you join us for this 2-day tournament here in Atlanta:

– Girls 16U & ALL BOYS play Saturday

– Girls 12U, 14U & 18U play Sunday

Sanctioning: This is a USAV/SRVA sanctioned event. Need a USAV/SRVA membership? Click here:

Registration: Register on link located near the top of this page.

Registration closes at midnight on Thursday before the event. If something comes up and you need to cancel a registration, we ask that you let us know ASAP as this will affect the schedule. See below for refund policy.


An email will go out Friday by 6 pm, on the day before the event with the schedule. The email will also include information regarding the weather, check in link, live-scoring link and any other relevant information. Do NOT contact us prior to Friday evening regarding the schedule as we need time to create it.


Check-in the morning of your event between 8:30am-8:45am. Check-in can be done on-site or via the check-in link provided in the Friday email. Matches will begin promptly by 9am.


The format will consist of pool play followed by playoff brackets for the age groups. Both are played on the same day. On-Line scheduling & scoring will be provided and can be followed via clicking on the link provided.


There is no gate charge to enter. There is WiFi, power and shade. There is limited seating provided, please plan accordingly. There are outdoor showers for athletes. There are bathrooms on site, please know we reserve the right to shut down showers and bathrooms should weather conditions worsen.


We play through rain and pause for lightning. Should weather become too extreme, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone an event.


Please check in with the TD on site morning of, with all necessary credentials. Parents, you are NOT allowed to coach at our tournaments, you are there to be encouraging. All must be registered with SRVA to coach at this event. 

Refund Policy:

Cancellations happen, we understand that sometimes life gets in the way of our volleyball (but we all try to make sure it doesn’t happen too often). We will refund your fee in full, less the processing fee, if notice is received 72 hours prior to the start of the event (before Wed morning for Sat event). 50%, less the processing fee will be refunded if notified 71 – 12 hrs prior to start time. After that, there is no refund. To ensure that a refund goes to the correct team, please forward your receipt from registration to



All coaches MUST be a member in good standing of USA Volleyball. If you are not a current member you please contact your local region. 

All coaches MUST successfully pass a USAV Background check to be renewed every two years, Be SafeSport Certified, and have Impact.

All coaches must follow the rules of a coach during the tournament.


  • Number of Coaches allowed: USAV: A coach and no more than one assistant coach.
  • Coaches, when present, may cheer the exceptional play, but may only instruct during timeouts, court-switches, and between sets from the coaches box.
  • During the official (5-10 min) timed warm-up, coaches may instruct from the sideline, but may not engage in drills.
  • During play, coaches observe from the player area.
  • Instruction may only take place during timeouts, between sets, and (non-disruptively) during side-changes.
  • NEW: Coaches in age groups 18 & under may call time out for their team.
  • Coaches may not influence or question the official’s judgment at any time.
  • Coaches must register for each event but, may coach more then one team during the event.


Coaches, by registering for this event you are accepting this as your one warning. If at any time, the host of the tournament feels there is any issue with complaints about your coaching, then he or she has the right to remove you as the coach for the rest of the tournament. At minimum for that game.

Important SafeSport Information:

  • “As a reminder, all participants 18 years old or older at this event, including but not limited to; coaches, players, officials, medical personnel, event, and media workers, are subject to the SafeSport Code (The Code) and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP). These policies are required by USA Volleyball and the U.S. Center for SafeSport to be followed at all times during the event. Please visit the USAV website or the click on the links below to view these policies.
  • If at any time you feel that something is in violation of the Code or MAAPP during the event, please follow the link below to the USAV website to file an online or over the phone report.
  • If a participant is going to be turning 18 during the event, they will be unable to participate until they have completed their SafeSport training. If they do not, they will be deemed ineligible during the event and will be removed from all active rosters until training is completed. Please ensure that all training is done prior to the event so we can avoid this and have a smooth event. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the USAV Membership department at 719-228-6800 or “